Hey! I am so excited to post for the first time on my new blog!
Can you believe that I have already had my new camera for four months? there are so many things I have learned.

 first digital SLR camera this year! I can not tell you in words how much of a dream come true for me that really was, and still is!

luckily I already knew a little about the challenges that would face me in the new digital SLR camera world. It is true they are very different than point and shoots, and different from SLR cameras as well, but so much better.
 I had taken a class on photography before and I feel in love all over again. its a passion that just keeps re-surfacing over and over again

I know Photography is something that will be apart of me forever!

 look forward to posts about my life in the photography world. 

:) Happy four month birthday little D! (my DSLR camera)

till next time! 
-Kayla Ann